Employing their phones as flashlights? I don't think so.

From the NYTimes:

"In India, Reliance Communications sells handsets for less than $25, with one-cent-a-minute phone calls across India and one-cent text messages and no monthly charge — while earning fat profits. Compare that to iPad buyers in the United States, who pay $499 for the basic version, who might also have a $1,000-plus computer and a $100-plus smart cellphone, and who could pay $100 or more each month to connect these many devices to the ether.

In Africa, the cellphone is giving birth to a new paradigm in money. PesaPal and M-Pesa in Kenya are working to make the cellphone the hub of personal finance. M-Pesa lets you convert cash into cellphone money at your local grocer, and this money can instantly be wired to anyone with a phone.

Mobile phone - In 1987, when Michael Douglas famously carried one in “Wall Street,” it was an exorbitant gadget for high rollers. Now it’s more common than a toilet."

Where a Cellphone Is Still Cutting Edge - NYTimes.com.
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.

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