Twitter vs. Google Buzz

Robert Scoble: "I have far fewer followers here, but I've already noticed that my items here on Buzz get MUCH more engagement than items on Twitter.

This makes Google Buzz a LOT more fun for someone like me who looks for engagement rather than sheer numbers. What does this do? I've found I'm trying to "pay back" the compliment by reading a lot more on Buzz and "liking" and "commenting" on your items. On Twitter? All I can do is retweet or favorite and no one really seems to know I'm doing those things, while here I've already gotten several side conversations going because people noticed I showed up on their items."

From Google Buzz:

Chris Nickson - My plan has been to hang back and wait for you lot to figure out how to use Buzz effectively before diving in. Seems slightly intimidating being able to write more than 140 characters!

Ves Dimov, M.D. - Well, I did not like the 140 character limit on Twitter to begin with and consequently I did not use it for years... I opened an account in 2007 (when it was "twitr") but did not use it until 2008-2009 when I saw that "everybody" was tweeting. Twitter snippets are just not good enough to report study abstracts and follow a conversation. In the meantime, I always felt that Friendfeed would be short-lived and waited for a better service. Google Buzz is not perfect but is a step in the right direction.

Also, the use of URL shorteners may be a bit short-sighted. What happens when runs out of money? Hopefully, (Google URL service) will be around a bit longer.

Heidi Allen - Hi Chris - yep, yet another thing to figure out - now don't forget to
write your blog
tweet about it
post it on facebook
and do a nice comment on it on buzz

then connect your buzz to twitter via feedburner
and post a buzz comment on twitter via posterous

Have you got a linkedIn group yet - you could post there too....?

Ves Dimov, M.D. - "write your blog
tweet about it
post it on facebook
and do a nice comment on it on buzz
then connect your buzz to twitter via feedburner
and post a buzz comment on twitter via posterous"

Sounds like a full-time job to me... :) This won't work for most doctors.

Dr Mike Cadogan - ...but it sounds like fun

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